
TWⅢ|AXIA South Cikarang【公式】アクシアサウスチカラン|日本人向けサービスアパートメントTWⅢ

Tennis court


Playing tennis is the great way to spend your spare time! Come to AXIA tennis court, fulfil your hobby and get some exercise with friends and family.

Pre-booking in advance is necessary
We rent tennis rackets and tennis balls for free
※Exclusively forTower1,2,3 resident (More than 4 months long stay guest)
TWⅢ|AXIA South Cikarang【公式】アクシアサウスチカラン|日本人向けサービスアパートメント TWⅢ|AXIA South Cikarang【公式】アクシアサウスチカラン|日本人向けサービスアパートメント